Early Childhood/Pre-Kindergarten
Freeburg District 70 offers an Early Childhood program. Developmental screenings are conducted twice each year and eligible students are identified.
Remaining slots in the program are offered to at-risk students based on the results of the developmental screenings. We do our best to accommodate everyone but the district must adhere to state regulations governing class sizes for this age.
The Early Childhood/Pre-Kindergarten is led by a teacher with an Early Childhood background with assistance from teacher assistants.
Primary Center Education (Grades K-2)
The core curriculum consists of language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Other areas of study include art, health, physical education, music, and technology.
All K-2 students are monitored regularly to determine the progress being made on the grade-level curriculum. Teachers also monitor each student's reading progress to ensure progress is being attained. Both a Title I Reading Specialist and Academic Interventionist are available for students who need additional reading instruction to meet grade-level expectations and benchmarks.
Students are assessed by teacher observation and unit tests. Students are also monitored using the AIMSweb and reading diagnostic tests.
Grades are reported on a quarterly basis. Formal parent-teacher conferences are held in the fall each year. Ongoing communication between the teacher and parent is strongly encouraged and parents can expect teachers to communicate through newsletters, phone calls, emails, etc.
Elementary School Education (Grades 3-8)
ACADEMICS: The core curriculum consists of language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Students are also taught in art (Grades 3-5), physical education, music, and technology (Grades 3-6). Band is also offered to students beginning with 4th grade. In addition, there is an Art Club for 8th grade students and a Technology Club for students in grades 6-8.
Elementary School students are assessed by teacher observation and unit tests. Students are regularly monitored using AIMSweb diagnostics. In addition, all Elementary School students are administered the Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) each spring. The ISAT measures individual acheivement relative to the Illinois Learning Standards.
Grades are reported on a quarterly basis and teachers send home mid-term grade reports at the middle of each quarter. An online system is available for parents of students in grades 3 - 8 to monitor grades on an ongoing basis.
Formal parent-teacher conferences are held in the fall of each year. On-going communication between the teacher and parent is strongly encouraged. Parents can stay informed of school events by signing up to receive the daily announcements via email. Parents can also expect communication from their child's teacher via phone or email.