eLearning Plan
Freeburg District 70 Administration, in consultation with the Freeburg Elementary Teachers' Association, has devised an eLearning Plan outlining what to expect with eLearning.
Attendance Check-In
Please try to do this by 9:00am every morning of e-learning, but you may submit it at any time throughout the day to be counted present. If you do not do this, your student will be counted absent.
Open up your web browser and goto: www.teacherease.com
Click Login and enter your email address and password. This will be the same account you used at registration and to check report cards and grades. If you do not know your password, please go to the login page and click “forgot password.” Type in your email address and an email will be sent with instructions on how to reset. If your email is not found, please call the school office and ask them to verify your information. Do NOT create a new account, as parent accounts must be created by the district.
Parents will see a check-in popup window on the parent portal main page. Parents with multiple children attending school will be able to check-in each one of them. This functionality is available to custodial parents only. A contact who is a custodial parent/guardian for one student but not for another student will be able to check-in the first student only from the parent portal.
Similarly, students will see a check-in popup window on Student Main in the portal. This popup will reappear on the student main page, until the student checks-in. Students can not check-in other family members.
If you are having issues with the APP, please close it and try again.
You can also open your browser and goto www.teacherease.com and do check-in there. Please be sure that pop-up blocker is turned off on the website or you will not be able to check-in.
Check-in can only happen one time per day. If the student checks in before the parent, the parent will not see the pop-up
If you have students in different districts, please switch to your Freeburg District 70 student by clicking on the student picture in the top right corner.
Google / Classroom Logins:
Student Google Logins follow this format:
Graduation Year + Last Name + First Name Initial + @frg70.org
John Smith Graduationg 2030
Passwords are 00+Student ID (lunch code)
Remote Learning Resources
Any device that runs Google Chrome will work for remote learning resources. If you use a mobile device like a phone or table, some apps can be installed such as Google Classroom, Meet, and Drive. However, these will run directly in Google Chrome on most devices.
Remote Learning Resources:
- Google Classroom Cheatsheet for Students
- Student Guide to Google Classroom
- Create Chrome User Profiles for Multiple Account Sharing a Computer
- Google for Education Tech Toolkit for Families and Guardians
- How to Use a Chromebook
- How to Use Google Classroom
- Basic Computer Skills
- Parent Guide to Distance (Online) Learning
- LTC Supporting Parents and Remote Kids SPARK
How to keep my child focused and motivated with Remote Learning? How Do I Help My Child with Online Work?
- 10 Practical Tips for Online Learning
- Remote Learning Tips for Parents
- 7 Tips for Parents During Remote Learning
- How to Motivate and Engage Your Child with Online Learning
- 8 Tips to Help Your Child Focus and Stay Engaged During Distance (Online) Learning
Time Management:
- You can also email techhelp@frg70.org and someone will try to answer any questions that you may have as soon as possible.